
Month of Laziness

I have been super lazy lately. My diet has be reduced to total crap. I've only been working out sporadically at best. What happened? I was a machine about a month ago. Is it burn out? I think it's really starting to effect me. I haven't been my super happy self. Work has really started to bug me. I got busy and my diet and exercise routine is suffering. I need to be in control of these things to be happy. I need a plan.

Get motivated -
I should read one of my favorite workout or diet books for inspiration.

Find a Routine-
Ultimate Frisbee has been getting in the way of my workouts. I wasn't working out a day before a game so I could be fresh. That's silly. I'm going to workout when I need to, just like I use to.

Reel the diet back in-
This will only be the millionth time I have done this. Good thing I know what to do. Kimkins for a few days and then on to the zone. Plan Plan Plan. Write lists, go shopping, cook ahead of time.

Crossfit in the morning-
I have all the stuff to do crossfit. I just need motivation to use it. I think getting soft is motivation enough.

PACE twice a week-
MMmmm interval sprints, my favorite! I love doing these because it makes me feel hard core. OH Yeah!

Ok so now for the Goals -

Lean and mean in one month - I'm starting to get soft and i don't like it. I'm at my best when I'm super fit. One month is a good time frame because I'm still in decent shape.

NO more Lazy meals - Eating out is the best way to stack on the calories. Bring your lunch and cook your dinners! I will feel better for making the effort.

No Burn outs - I know what it takes to be super fit. I need to not go overboard to avoid burnout. I think that's what happened before.

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